This is a list of all the courses that I have taken since I started college. Specifically at the University of Guanajuato (UG), CIMAT, CIDE and Iowa State University (ISU).

Graduate Level Courses

This is the list of graduate courses that I have ever taken. They sorted in decreasing chronological order. Description of courses at ISU can be found here.

Course Place Instructor
Functional Data Analysis (STAT 547) ISU Yehua Li
Data Technologies for Statistical Analysis (STAT 585) ISU Di Cook and Heike Hofmann
Nonparametric Statistics (STAT 546) ISU Song Chen
Theory and Applications of Linear Models (STAT 611) ISU Huaiqing Wu
Statistical Computing (STAT 580) ISU Ranjan Maitra
Modern Multivariate Statistical Learning (STAT 602) ISU Steven Vardeman
Time Series Analysis (STAT 551) ISU Steven Vardeman
Advanced Statistical Methods (STAT 601) ISU Mark Kaiser
Multivariate Statistical Methods (STAT 501) ISU Ranjan Maitra
Statistical Methods II (STAT 511) ISU Dan Nettleton
Advanced Theory of Statistical Inference (STAT 643) ISU Huaiqing Wu
Statistical Methods I (STAT 500) ISU Alicia Carriquiry
An Introduction to R (STAT 579) ISU Ranjan Maitra
Advanced Probability Theory (STAT 642) ISU Dan Nordman
Statistical Consulting CIMAT Miguel Nakamura S.
Markov Processes CIMAT Juan C. Pardo M.
Stochastic Models II CIMAT Víctor Rivero M.
Functional Analysis I CIMAT Miguel A. Moreles
Statistical Models I CIMAT José M. Ponciano C.
Advanced Probability I CIMAT Ekaterina Todorova & José A. Mimbela
Statistical Inference I CIMAT Eloísa Díaz-Francés M.
Lévy Processes CIMAT Víctor Rivero M.
Stochastic Calculus CIMAT Daniel Hernández H.
Mathematical Statistics CIMAT Miguel Nakamura S.
Measure Theory CIMAT Joaquín Ortega S.

Undergraduate Level Courses

This is the list of graduate courses that I have ever taken. They sorted in decreasing chronological order.